Why don’t digital marketers own the world?

Shouldn’t we? We’ve got the communications expertise and muscle for the largest set of communications channels ever created. By now, digital agencies should have taken over all of marketing, if not all of digital communications. We should be saying “Hey man, we rule!!!”

Digital budgets are climbing. They’re passing TV and traditional media. But us digital agencies don’t own anything, do we? How many of you are the lead agency on a Fortune 1000 account? Yeah, I didn’t think so. Why?!!!!

It’s really, really frustrating. It drives me nuts. Up the wall. Looney. Crazy. Why do we keep doing this to ourselves?!

The reason why

I’ll tell you why: With a few notable exceptions, digital agencies do one of two time-honored, industry-marginalizing things:

  1. We plan and execute digital campaigns the same way traditional agencies ran campaigns thirty years ago. We compete with those agencies on their terms, using dated strategies and approaches dressed up in analytics and technology.
  2. We super-specialize on a single channel, becoming commoditized and offering significantly less value than they might as a true digital agency.

Then we chase those approaches down the marketing toilet bowl. We can fix this. The rest of this book explains:

- An approach that makes digital marketing a campaign leader, not a follower
- Tactics you can use to make that approach happen

Foo bar merples

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