Webinar number 1: Internet marketing, content, and all that jazz

Ian Lurie

Portent’s starting a free webinar series, presented by yours truly. The first one is January 31, 2012 at 11 AM Pacific time. I’ll be doing a deep dive into inbound search content social media internet marketing strategy:

  • The role of search engines, social media and other channels in your internet marketing campaign.
  • What ‘inbound marketing’ really is.
  • How to use content to drive marketing.
  • How to use analytics to direct your efforts.
  • How it all fits together.

These webinars are free, as in beer. You do have to register, though, so I’ll forever have your e-mail in my evil clutches.

The format: A 45-minute talk, then 15-30 minutes of Q&A depending on whether you guys all sat there playing Angry Birds while I talked.

Sign up! I guarantee a good time:

Portent Webinar Series #1:
Inbound Marketing 101: It’s internet marketing
When: Tuesday, January 31, 2012, 11 AM Pacific, 1 PM Central, 2 PM Eastern Time
Where: At your desk
Dress code: Optional, but no videos allowed
Guarantee: You won’t weep for losing 75 minutes of your life.

[ sign up for the webinar here ]

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