Full Funnel PPC Delivers Huge Lead Increase

A prominent business communications company needed to effectively scale its paid search and display campaigns to grow user volume, user engagement, and lead submission volume at more efficient costs. Portent developed a full-funnel strategy to transform their PPC campaigns and deliver massive improvements in all of those categories.




Communications/Business Solutions

280% Increase in Micro Conversions
500% Increase in Lead Submissions
25x Increase in Users Who Completed a Micro Conversion and Went on to Submit a Lead

The Challenge

This business communications company was utilizing a bottom-funnel content, call to action, and conversion strategy throughout their paid search and display campaigns regardless of what types of users were being targeted. As a result, their lead submission rates were performing well below expectations. Likewise, they were having a hard time scaling up their digital advertising efforts in a cost-effective manner. Our team was tasked with figuring out how to get their paid search and display campaigns on track to acquire new potential customers and get them to submit a lead at higher rates.

The Strategy

Our strategy focused on utilizing a full-funnel approach when it came to audience engagement, content, and calls to action. This approach was designed to meet users where they were in their journey along the marketing funnel and help them move further down to an eventual lead submission.

  • Top-funnel campaigns: we utilized responsive display ads and discovery ad campaigns in Google Ads targeting similar audiences to existing customer lists and custom intent audiences using keywords relevant to this company’s vertical. Our calls to action focused on “learning more” and we ensured useful, high-level content was present on our landing pages which would drive user engagement, produce micro conversions, and encourage follow-up visits.
  • Mid-funnel campaigns: we utilized responsive display ads targeting remarketing lists of users who had spent time truly engaging with the site’s content previously. We also utilized non-branded search and dynamic search campaigns pointing to landing pages that had more specific information on this company’s products and services.
  • Bottom-funnel campaigns: we utilized responsive display ads targeting remarketing lists of users who completed a micro conversion (e.g. downloaded a useful PDF) or who had already returned to the site previously. We also utilized branded search campaigns. Our calls to action and landing pages focused on asking users to contact this company and submit their information to become an active lead.

The Results

A chart showing the relationship between leads and conversion rates

For this company’s most prominent solution targeting mid-sized businesses, we saw dramatic growth in lead volume almost immediately the first quarter of their 2022 fiscal year. Conversion rates steadily increased quarter over quarter as we kept optimizing our campaigns and fine-tuned our audience targeting:

A chart showing the relationship between leads and conversion rate

For this company’s premier solution targeting enterprise-level corporations, we began running new campaigns using a full-funnel approach in the 2nd quarter of their 2022 fiscal year. As we saw with the first solution above, lead volume and conversion rates also started climbing noticeably almost immediately after we made these adjustments.

And finally, when we isolate users who first completed a micro conversion (e.g. downloaded a PDF with useful information) in either our top-funnel or mid-funnel campaigns for any of the solutions offered prior to submitting a lead, we see the volume of these users increase by nearly 25 times their original amount period over period*:

All ProductsBeforeAfterChange
Users who completed micro conversion before submitting a lead1303,497+2,590%

*Comparison is Q1-Q2 of FY2022 versus prior two quarters due to micro conversion tracking issues prior to Q3 of FY2021.

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