At Portent, we pride ourselves on being passionate learners and expert teachers. So much so that it’s written into our core values:
- Superior Communication
- High Emotional Intelligence
- Intellectual Curiosity
- Fearless Accountability
- Teach the Shit out of Everything
- Service
That means we read, listen, and watch a lot of content about our craft to learn, consider, and ultimately apply what’s pertinent to our work.
There’s never been more content online to consume than there is today. But this endless opportunity is both a gift and a curse. The low barrier required for content creation cultivates a landscape with a very small percentage of unique, compelling content to read. Most of the content created today is fluff. It’s regurgitated and broadly generic – some readers may feel like this post fits into that category. That’s fine 🙂
This list focuses specifically on where we go online to read about the latest in digital marketing. While there are tons of great Twitter follows, podcasts, courses, video channels, and conferences to keep close tabs on, this post would be impossibly long if we included all of those as well. That’s for another post at another time.
Where We Go to Read About Digital Marketing
This list isn’t exhaustive, and it’s not meant to be. When we sat down and looked at where we’re consistently learning new things that impact our craft, these are the places that stood out the most.
#GTMTips from Simo Ahava
Simo solves specific Google Tag Management problems with clear and actionable step-by-step guides. If you’re responsible for GTM in your role, Simo provides great resources.
Media Post – Search & Performance Marketing Daily
Media Post publishes a ton of content every day. The Search & Performance Marketing Daily focuses on overarching trends impacting the industry and doesn’t dive too deep into the weeds.
Nielsen Norman Group
Our go-to spot for all things user experience.
Occam’s Razor from Avinash Kaushik
We wish Avinash posted more! His archives have so many fruitful lessons surrounding marketing analytics and analysis– this is a required follow for us.
Search Engine Roundtable
The most technical of the search engine publishers, The Daily Search Forum Recap provides an easy way to stay up to speed on what Google is up to and how marketers should maneuver.
Search Engine Land
Search Engine Land spreads out over just about every facet in our marketing landscape. A solid publisher worth following to get a consistent perspective across the marketing stack.
Social Media Today
Our top pick to stay up-to-the-minute on all things social marketing.
Headed by Rand Fishkin, SparkToro’s blog is a must for all marketers. Some content will quietly showcase the power of SparkToro’s tool, but the best content on the blog challenges our industry’s accepted assumptions with strong and sound research.
The Moz Blog
The Moz Blog consistently brings thoughtful and well-produced content on all things organic a couple of times a week. Writers from both inside and outside of Moz create a strong balance of perspective.
The Unbounce Conversation Intelligence Blog
While difficult to characterize a point of focus for Unbounce’s blog, we love their content. UX, CRO, branding, design, and some paid media paint the areas of subject matter expertise shared.
The Portent Blog
I would be remiss not to highlight the Portent blog in this post. The Portent blog is where we contribute our expertise to the digital marketing industry. It’s where we fulfill part of our ethos to teach. We hope you find our teachings as unique and compelling as the resources shared above.
Wrap Up
Whether you’re just getting started in marketing or a seasoned professional hoping to cull your way-too-long list of content streams that blend together, this is the place to start. These blogs and resources will take you a long way in staying up to date with unique and compelling writing about the digital marketing industry.