Timothy Johnson and Chad Kearns collaborated on this post.
The holidays are coming! Are you prepared? To be sure you are, we’ve put together a list of 10 PPC suggestions you should implement. Don’t get left out in the cold. Now is the time to prepare so that you can make the most of this holiday season.
1. Make sure you’re using Product Listing Ads
The influence of Product Listing Ads continues to grow and as Google tests new formats to display these results, competition in this space will grow even fiercer. If you are an E-commerce site and don’t have PLAs, get them now!
2. Check your mobile bid modifiers
Do you know how mobile visitors engage and convert on your site? Understanding mobile visitor conversion rates and CPA figures is crucial when setting mobile bid modifiers.
3. Target people in or searching for ‘my targeted location’
You don’t want to waste your budget by showing ads to parts of the world that your business doesn’t serve. Be sure your targeting is set up correctly.
4. Don’t target multiple countries in a single campaign
5. Understand your match types
Implementing a broad match keyword list with no negative keywords could result in irrelevant searches triggering your ads.
6. Make sure to track your PPC traffic and conversions
7. Don’t target the Search & Display Networks with the same campaign
8. Avoid using one landing page to sell all of your products
Creating product-specific landing pages will boost conversion rates as your keywords, ad copy, and landing pages should all align around a single product or type of product.
9. Test your ad copy
Don’t just create one ad and forget about it. Testing different ad variations against each other will help find the best ad copy for driving revenue.
10. Fear not… but your organic keyword data is going away
No longer can you rely on finding organic keywords data in Google Analytics. Make sure you have your AdWords and Analytics accounts linked to ensure optimal keyword research opportunities.