SEO Audit Checklist: Our Ever-Changing List

Ian Lurie

I’ve teased this for a while: Portent’s internal SEO audit checklist. Hope it’s helpful.

Here it is.

SEO audit checklist
I hate checklists. But an SEO audit requires one. So I surrender.

This list reflects our biases:

  • Technical SEO is big
  • Google Search Console is not
  • Log file analysis pops up
  • We consider link building a separate discipline that deserves its own checklist, so you won’t find it here
  • We consider keyword analysis a separate discipline that includes content, SEO, social media and paid search, so you won’t find much about it here, either

This isn’t the whole list. Don’t judge me. We have to keep something for ourselves.

There’s some duplication. We’re only human.

We update the list regularly. When we update our internal checklist, we’ll update this one. Sometimes.

It’s definitely copyright Portent 2019. Steal this and make it your own, and we’ll find your pets, seduce them with treats, and take them home with us to pamper and spoil forever and ever. We’re petty. We’re not monsters.

Pssst: You can hire us to run an audit for you.

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