Web Marketing For Dummies Unboxing Shoot

Ian Lurie

I admit, I am way too excited about the new book. But it arrived today! Like any obsessed nerd, I decided to take a bunch of photos while I took the new book for a test drive:

First Look

Here it is, fresh outta the box:

web marketing book for dummies cover

Proof positive that Elizabeth and I did write part of this book:

web marketing for dummies authors

It’s an all-in-one, which means it’s about 8 books in a single volume. This is one big book. 2+ inches of web marketing goodness:

book thickness

Meeting the Family

We hit it off the moment it arrived:
The book meets my grandfather’s Depression-era typewriter:

web marketing for dummies near typewriter

…and my other grandfather’s Depression-era adding machine (the book kept fidgeting):

web marketing for dummies near adding machine

It’s always a challenge introducing a new book to the household. I was afraid they’d fight, or Conversation Marketing would sulk. But after a few nervous moments they got along famously:

books written by ian

I get ready to take the book home for the first time:

book in car passenger seat

1001 Uses

You can read it, but it has other uses, too:
I re-enact an episode of The Shield. Tracy didn’t mind – we had ice.

tracy about to get hit by ian's book

I wanted to play hide and seek but the book just couldn’t quite figure it out:

book in leaves

It’s an excellent fridge deodorizer:

book under chair leg

And of course, it’s a great furniture accessory:

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  1. Hee hee. I never thought a Dummies book had so many uses. It’s exciting seeing your name in print eh? Congrats on the book launch Ian

  2. Congrats to you, Elizabeth, Michael and John! Completing a book is no small feat and I’m glad that now it’s over you are finding good uses for the extra time you have!

  3. Ian, I sent my unboxing photos to ian@portent… 2 wks ago. Another address I should send it to?
    Great book by the way – I tried to read it in bed but realized I needed my laptop next to me for all the great links et al…
    Thanks to you and the other authors for the resource.

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