Portent’s SEO Page Review Chrome Extension Gets a Refresh

Several years ago, the Portent SEO team developed a very useful Chrome Extension called the SEO Page Review. It was created by a very technically-minded SEO specialist and now Portent alum, Ken Colborn. Because it has been almost five years since its conception, I felt it was time for a refresh.

What is Portent’s SEO Page Review?

Portent’s SEO Page Review is a free Google Chrome extension available in the chrome web store. The lightweight extension reviews a website page for a number of on-page SEO factors and provides at-a-glance details and warnings around best practices for optimization.

Portent's SEO Page Review Chrome Extension screen shot

What Does it Analyze?

Our extension analyzes the source HTML of the page and provides details on the following SEO elements:

  • Meta title, description, and keywords
  • Meta robots tag
  • Canonical tag
  • Images on page, including a warning for images without ALT text
  • Headings, with a warning if there is no H1 defined
  • Facebook OpenGraph tags
  • Twitter tags
  • On-page links
  • All other meta tags defined
  • HTTP Headers
Portent's SEO Page Review Chrome Extension screenshot
Facebook OpenGraph tags
Portent's SEO Page Review Chrome Extension screenshot
Twitter tags
Portent's SEO Page Review Chrome Extension screenshot
On-page links
Portent's SEO Page Review Chrome Extension screenshot
Other meta tags and HTTP header information

What’s New with the Refresh?

The refresh is relatively minor but addresses branding updates with our new logo, icon, fonts, and colors. Code cleanup and minor refactoring improve the already lightweight performance. We also added HTTP Headers analysis, as seen in the screenshot above.

Future Updates

We’re currently brainstorming new features and improved warnings and recommendations, but here are some more substantial items on our road map:

On load analysis and issue notification. Currently, the extension only executes its analysis when prompted, by clicking on the icon. We plan on implementing on-load functionality so users can be notified of potential issues before interacting.

Accessibility analysis. Accessibility concerns and the need for best practices continue to be pushed to the forefront of web applications. Portent plans on implementing on-page analysis of accessibility issues.

In addition to these, will continue to make ongoing improvements to the SEO Page Review extension for all you marketers out there. Cheers!

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  1. Hi,
    I just tried out Portent’s SEO Page Review Chrome extension on a page that I know all the images have alt text. Page Review reported all 15 images do not have alt tags. Is there a bug perhaps?

    1. Hey Steven,

      I investigated and found that it wasn’t necessarily a bug, but the extension detecting tracking pixels (images inserted by 3rd party scripts with a width/height of 0 or 1). I have since updated to version 1.1 which will attempt to detect those and ignore them for the purposes of detecting missing ALT tags. In addition, the version 1.1 will print out all the images it detects without ALT tags for an at-a-glance look.

      Thanks for your interest and report!

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